The adoption of the Amman Message and its Three Points (on takfir, the Mathhabs and fatwas) by the Islamic Fiqh Academy and the addition of its important voice and authority to all the leading religious scholars world-wide who had already signed the Amman Message and its Three Points, effectively completed a universal religious consensus. This consensus was thus reached by recognized mujtahids and leading Islamic scholars of every school of jurisprudence and thought, and by every existing international scholarly assembly set up for achieving Islamic consensus. This, combined with the political consensus mentioned earlier, achieved a universal and unanimous consensus of Muslims in our time on the Amman Message and its Three Points, by the grace of God and at the hands of H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan.
And by the grace of God, no sooner had the consensus been completed then it began to bear fruit. For example8, one week after the meeting of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, on 5th-6th Jumada II 1427 AH / 1st-2nd July 2006 CE senior religious and political leaders of nearly every Islamic group and community representing Europe’s 15-20 million Muslims (in addition to selected Muslim dignitaries from the Islamic world) met for the first time as a united group in Istanbul, Turkey. They added their voices to the Islamic Consensus on the Amman Message and its Three Points and used it as the basis of their declaration of unity and solidarity as Muslims. Thus the final declaration of the 1st Muslims of Europe Conference included, as its last provision, the following text:
Finally, we concur with and respect the Amman Message of November 2004; with the Final Declaration issued by the International Islamic Conference held in Jordan in July 2005; with the statements and fatawa of numerous scholars from across the Muslim world that preceded this conference and upon which this conference was based; with the Makkah Declaration and Final Summaries of the OIC Summit held in December 2005, the final statement of the Islamic Fiqh Academy held in Jordan in June 2006; as well as the 15th session of the European Council for Fatwa and Research in its declaration concerning engagement with society and positive integration and the declaration of European Muslims made by the Supreme Council of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina of 2005 — in essence to develop solidarity amongst Muslims and establish justice. We recognize that solidarity of the Ummah is a key priority for all Muslims – both in Europe and throughout the world. We join our fellow Muslims the world over to challenge those who seek to misuse our faith corrupting its message. We call for solidarity between us and the upholding of Islam’s universal vision of peace, fraternity, tolerance and social harmony.
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